Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Danger Strikes

Ashstar yowled frantically and all of the cats shrieked in terror as warriors helped the apprentices and struggling cats to higher ground. The stonger cats were hauling the weaker ones to dry land as they struggled through the rush of water. Everyone's faces were fearful and worried as the water rushed in, tearing apart their dens; their lives. A sleek soaking wet body slithered through the water like a fish and snagged up a limp white body. Coldclaw told Ashstar that Cinderstripe drowned as he set her down. Ashstarnodded, but was too busy helping cats to higher ground to notice Icebreeze limp form on the unknown cat's back. As the rain let up and the water started rushing out of camp the way it had come the pretty white cat with orange splotches, one blue eyes and one green eye, one black paw, one brown paw, one white paw and a ginger paw put Icebreeze down and meowed,
"Can I help?"

Ace yowled to his frightened cats,
"The storm cant kill us, no need to fear it." The roar of the thunder rumbling through his ears as a flash struck down in the middle of camp. everyone scattered but one. Dagger lay scorched on the muddy ground as the storm clouds cleared as quickly as they had come. Ginger's eyes were full of fear as she approached her brothers body. She wailed aloud as she realized he would never smile shyly at her again.
"First Stella, now him!" Ginger wailed to the sky, her best friend Stella had been murdered by Ashstar only days before. Stella's kits now had no father and no mother.
"I will care for them..." Ginger's voice trailed off as she went to warm her brother's frightened kits; Hail, Storm, Willow, and Spark.